Directory Structure     

This is the structure of a project with all modes installed. There’s no reason to be intimidated though!

If you are a beginner, all you’ll need to care about is /quasar.conf.js (Quasar App Config file), /src/router, /src/layouts, /src/pages and optionally /src/assets.

├── src/
│   ├── assets/ # dynamic assets (processed by webpack)
│   ├── statics/ # pure static assets (directly copied)
│   ├── components/ # .vue components used in pages & layouts
│   ├── css/ # CSS/Stylus/Sass/... files for your app
| | ├── app.styl
| │   └── themes/ # Quasar themes entry points for you to tweak
| │      ├── common.variables.styl # Common Stylus variables for all Quasar themes
| │      ├── variables.mat.styl # Variables for Material Design theme
| │      └── variables.ios.styl # Variables for iOS theme
│   ├── layouts/ # layout .vue files
│   ├── pages/ # page .vue files
│   ├── plugins/ # app plugins (app initialization code)
│   ├── router/ # Vue Router
| | ├── index.js # Vue Router definition
| │   └── routes.js # App Routes definitions
│   ├── store/ # Vuex Store
| | ├── index.js # Vuex Store definition
| │   ├── <folder> # Vuex Store Module...
| │   └── <folder> # Vuex Store Module...
│   ├── App.vue # root Vue component of your App
│   └── index.template.html # Template for index.html
├── src-pwa/ # PWA specific code (like Service Worker)
├── src-cordova/ # Cordova generated folder used to create Mobile Apps
├── src-electron/ # Electron specific code (like "main" thread)
├── dist/ # where production builds go
│   ├── spa-mat/ # example when building SPA with MAT theme
│   ├── spa-ios/ # example when building SPA with IOS theme
│   ├── electron-mat/ # example when building Electron with MAT theme
│   └── ....
├── quasar.conf.js # Quasar App Config file
├── .babelrc # babel config
├── .editorconfig # editor config
├── .eslintignore # ESlint ignore paths
├── .eslintrc.js # ESlint config
├── .postcssrc.js # PostCSS config
├── .stylintrc # Stylus lint config
├── .gitignore # GIT ignore paths
├── package.json # npm scripts and dependencies
└── # readme for your website/App