
The Quasar Modal component is a UI overlay, which offers extended screen space to allow the user to get more work done. Modals are used for such things as login or signup dialogs, for message composition windows or extended option selections, like offering a list of users to be friends with.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: ['QModal'],

// optional if you want to use
// directive `v-close-overlay`
directives: ['CloseOverlay']

Basic Usage

Below you’ll find the code to a very basic modal:

<q-modal v-model="opened">
<h4>Basic Modal</h4>
@click="opened = false"

export default {
data () {
return {
opened: false

Modals are responsive to the width of the window (see demo on a desktop and resize browser window). Sometimes you need to always have a Modal maximized or minimized regardless of window width, so to do this, Quasar offers the minimized and maximized props:

<q-modal maximized>

Vue Properties

minimizedBooleanAlways minimized regardless of screen width.
maximizedBooleanAlways maximized regardless of screen width.
no-route-dismissBooleanBy default, when route changes, the modal gets closed. This prop inhibits the behavior.
no-esc-dismissBooleanDisable Modal dismissal by hitting Escape key.
no-backdrop-dismissBooleanDisable Modal dismissal by clicking/tapping on backdrop.
no-refocusBooleanDo not refocus (on modal close) the element that had focus before opening (by default it tries to refocus)
content-cssObject/Array/StringApplies CSS style to Modal container. Use Object or Array of Object when also specifying position prop.
content-classesObject/Array/StringClasses to apply to Modal inner content.
positionStringStick Modal to one of the screen edges (top, right, bottom, left).
position-classesStringSpace delimited CSS classes that overwrite the default ‘items-center justify-center’ classes. Gets overridden by position if present.
transitionStringVue transition to use. Quasar comes with a q-modal transition out of the box. But you can write your own Vue transitions using CSS and use them.
enter-classStringenter transition class name
leave-classStringleave transition class name
no-refocusBoolean(v0.15.11+) Do not refocus previously focused DOM element after closing the Modal.

Vue Methods

showOpen Modal. Takes one optional Function parameter to trigger after Modal is opened.
hideClose Modal. Takes one optional Function parameter to trigger after Modal is closed.
toggleToggle open/close Modal state. Takes one optional Function parameter to trigger after Modal is toggled.

Vue Events

Event NameDescription
@showTriggered right after Modal is opened.
@hideTriggered right after Modal is closed.
@escape-keyTriggered if the Modal is dismissed with the Escape key on desktops.


Styling Modal

<q-modal content-css="padding: 50px">

Sticking Modal to an Edge

<q-modal position="left">

When making layout inside a modal, Quasar has a special component called QModalLayout (described in next section), which takes care of any needed structure.

Do NOT use QLayout inside a QModal. Instead, use the simplified QModalLayout.

<q-modal v-model="opened" :content-css="{minWidth: '80vw', minHeight: '80vh'}">
<q-toolbar slot="header">

<q-toolbar slot="header">
<q-search inverted v-model="search" color="none" />

<q-toolbar slot="footer">

<div class="layout-padding">


<p>This is a Modal presenting a Layout.</p>


QModalLayout has two slots (header and footer) and the following properties which can be either String, Object or Array:

header-styleString/Object/ArrayStyle applied to header.
header-classString/Object/ArrayCSS classes applied to header.
content-styleString/Object/ArrayStyle applied to content (between header and footer).
content-classString/Object/ArrayCSS classes applied to content (between header and footer).
footer-styleString/Object/ArrayStyle applied to footer.
footer-classString/Object/ArrayCSS classes applied to footer.


<q-modal .....>
header-style="min-height: 100px"
content-class="{'bg-primary': isPrimary, 'some-class': someBoolean}"
footer-class="bg-primary some-class"
footer-style="{fontSize: '24px', fontWeight: 'bold'}"
inject header and/or footer slots here
1. <div slot="header">...</div>
2. <q-toolbar slot="header">...</q-toolbar>

all other elements not using header or footer slot
is considered content